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<aside> <img src="/icons/reorder_blue.svg" alt="/icons/reorder_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Content:


Understanding the problem

Defining the domains UX strategy

Designing the MVP

Validating the MVP

Deploying the frameworks to scale

Scaling the strategy across the domain

<aside> <img src="/icons/sailboat_blue.svg" alt="/icons/sailboat_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Summary: A comprehensive guide for implementing a UX strategy for complex internal systems. Analysing the journey taken to establish a holistic vision whilst ensuring a manageable scope that enables early validation against business goals and user needs. Showcasing how to deliver incremental but scalable initiatives that build UX momentum within an organisation.


<aside> <img src="/icons/accessibility_blue.svg" alt="/icons/accessibility_blue.svg" width="40px" /> My Role: Lead designer, responsible for launching the first iteration of Cazoo's next-gen operations platform, establishing the foundational principles that underpin the UX strategy for the domain. This role encompassed leading on both the tactical design of a 0-1 greenfield product and operating strategically at the domain level, all while guiding and mentoring the design team.



One year into their journey Cazoo have validated their value proposition of selling vehicle entirely online. Following a successful funding round the company has gone public. The IPO has induced a state of rapid expansion in the UK and EU markets, marked by numerous acquisitions.

Understanding the problem

<aside> <img src="/icons/report_gray.svg" alt="/icons/report_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Problem Statement: Rapid scaling to capture market share, has lead to many manual process bridging the gaps between several incompatible systems in operations. Internal users have to work across multiple tools and rely on manual intervention in-order to conduct simple daily tasks. This poor internal experience has lead to a drop in quality and throughput for the business - diminishing the customer value proposition.


The people affected by the problem

Internal users have to work across multiple tools and rely on manual intervention in-order to conduct simple daily tasks.

Theme Internal User Pain Point
Poor User Experience There are 15+ individual tools
Reliability and confidence in tooling to do daily task/monitoring
Lack of E2E Visibility Sad path case management and escalation
E2E visibility (historical and real time data of the vehicle)
Manual Intervention Tracking costs (logistics, call-off, refurbishment)
Enablement of dynamic fleet and people constraints

The impact on the organisation

A poor experience for internal users has lead to a drop in quality and throughput for the business. Diminishing the customer experience.

Theme Customer Pain Point
Choice of Vehicle Limited range of vehicles to choose from compared to competitors
MisleadingVehicle Data Inaccurate data on the vehicles listed state
Quality Promise Trust that the quality of the vehicle meets the promised standard

Defining the domains UX strategy

To tackle this multifaceted challenge the UX team collectively defined a vision for Target Product Experience, drafting the future state for the system and establishing the benchmarks for success.

Considering the large scope of the vision, a plan emerged to focus a portion of our UX resources on a greenfield initiative to address a vital part of the service. As the lead designer on this next-gen initiative the strategic objective was to develop the first module of the new system in-order to define, validate and scale the wider UX strategy across the domain.

Vision Statement

<aside> <img src="/icons/anchor_gray.svg" alt="/icons/anchor_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Deliver an interconnected and reliable experience in operations that enables the business to scale into a leading online car retailer
